A team led by the Gulf Coast Carbon Center at the Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin, has been funded by the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) through and in cooperation with the U. S. Department of Interior (DOI), Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to generate a Best Management Practices (BMPs) document on sub-seabed geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide (CO2) below the U. S. outer continental shelf. The team consists of scientists, engineers, lawyers, and business managers from academia, private industry, and State of Texas government from the following institutions: (1) Gulf Coast Carbon Center at the Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG), (2) Det Norske Veritas (USA) Inc (DNV), (3) Wood Group Mustang and sister company Wood Group Kenny (Wood Group), (4) Texas General Land Office (GLO), (5) Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (HRI), and (6) The University of Houston Law Center. Individual team members have expertise in carbon sequestration monitoring, CO2-pipeline design and construction, and domestic and international offshore environmental policy. The BMPs will be reviewed by external experts after it is generated and before being submitted to BOEM. The purpose of the BMPs will be to provide technical guidance to BOEM and BSEE (U. S. DOI Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement) to establish regulatory guidelines for offshore components of future U. S. Carbon Capture and Storage, which is sometimes referred to as sequestration, (CCS) industry. Sub-seabed geologic sequestration (GS) is the process whereby CO2 captured from large volume industrial sources (e. g., power plants, oil refineries) will be (1) compressed to supercritical state and transported via pipeline to offshore injection wells, and (2) injected into geologic strata deep (thousands of feet) below the seafloor. Objectives of the CO2 injection will be for "pure sequestration" (i.e., long-term storage of CO2 in subseafloor saline reservoirs) or sequestration combined with enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Sub-seabed geologic sequestration is very different from ocean dumping (i.e. dissolution of CO2 into circulating seawater) or injection of CO2 into deep water, shallow sub-seabed sediments. Some researchers proposed in the past that shallow subseafloor depths (< 1,000 ft) were sufficient for permanent CO2 storage in deep marine environments (> 11,000 ft water depth) (e. g., House et al., 2006). However, the shallow sedimentary subseafloor environment could become unstable and allow release of CO2 into ocean water, the end result of which would be ocean dumping. One mechanism of seafloor instability could be the release of gas from hydrates owing to pressure and temperature perturbations that may be introduced by shallow drilling and CO2 injection. Furthermore, the logistics of transporting CO2 hundreds of miles offshore to areas with sufficient water depths for storage in shallow subsea sediments would probably not be economically feasible. We want to emphasize that subseabed GS of CO2 is not ocean dumping. One of the biggest concerns for onshore GS is the potential to impact shallow drinking water resources. Injecting CO2 deep below the seafloor will avoid this potential consequence. But there are sensitive marine environments of concern in offshore settings, protection of which is critical. Environmental monitoring of marine ecosystems (nearshore, along CO2 pipeline corridors, and outer continental shelf) and subseafloor geological strata in which CO2 will be injected will be a large component of the BMPs. Topics being included in the BMPs, a draft of which will be submitted to BOEM in June of 2013, are: (1) site selection and characterization, (2) risk analysis, (3) project planning and execution, (4) environmental monitoring, (5) mitigation, (6) inspection and auditing, (7) reporting requirements, (8) emergency response and contingency planning, (9) decommissioning and site closure, and (10) legal issues. Where possible, we are using existing regulatory, policy, and technical guidance documents as a starting point for the BMPs. We think the most likely location for initiation of U. S. offshore geologic sequestration of CO2 will be in the western or central sectors of the Gulf of Mexico where extensive offshore oil and gas infrastructure already exists. Academic members of our project team are actively working on criteria for site selection [1]. However, private industry is also assessing the feasibility of offshore geologic sequestration below the Atlantic seafloor [2].