Considering the experience in some regions of the world as Japan, Brazil and Italy, it can be determined that the topic of enterprising networks together with the innovation processes in the creation of Technological Based Businesses (TBB)(1), is the main reason for this research, and it should be considered as a strategy to strengthen the economical development of emerging countries. For the TBB's of recent creation collaboration with other actors is essential, like with enterprises of the same type or in the same market, suppliers and customers from the same value chain. Therefore, a sustainable and incremental value strategy for the TBB's can consist in not only emerging in an isolated form, but also as a business network. One of the reasons that justify this research is the theoretical basis about the importance of the TBB's as an economical development mechanism of the regions known as emerging economies, where innovation is a determinant criteria to be competitive. Innovation must be defined as an integrated process nowadays. That is why, interactive mechanisms of the enterprise(2), along with the networks which the enterprise associates to its environment with is so critical. Finally, the main contribution of this research is the design of an Entrepreneurship Network Model focused on the creation of Technological Based Businesses. In order to create an Enterprise as part of a business network, it is necessary to focus our attention towards the entrepreneur, who is responsible for the creation and development of the enterprise. The entrepreneur takes advantage of what others don't notice, from the creation and development of new possibilities still unknown in the economic environment. The entrepreneur is the heart of the value innovation process taking advantage of the enterprise network.