Activities inside nuclear power plants often require changes of location within the facility. This "standing up" mobility mostly concerns maintenance staff, technicians, field operators and engineers. The new available computerized technologies (wireless, RFIID tags, panel PCs, PDAs, etc.) offer new fields of applications that can benefit to a better operation, by answering some requirements that were not satisfied. Four main project are currently undergoing at EDF'R&D in this field of application. The SIAM0I Project will contribute to propositions for hybrid control room retrofit, based upon new interaction needs between operation in and outside of the control room. The UTILE Project focuses on the identification of prospective wireless usages for field operators, for all generations of NPPs. The Radioprotection Control Station Project attempts to adapt this new technology to the radioprotection purpose. The m-EDF Project aims to build an opportunistic modular architecture with current components of wireless and web technologies.)