Mutations in GRIN2A cause idiopathic focal epilepsy with rolandic spikes

Lemke, Johannes R. [1 ,2 ]
Lal, Dennis [2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ]
Reinthaler, Eva M. [2 ,6 ]
Steiner, Isabelle [7 ]
Nothnagel, Michael
Alber, Michael [8 ]
Geider, Kirsten [9 ]
Laube, Bodo [9 ]
Schwake, Michael [10 ]
Finsterwalder, Katrin [11 ,12 ]
Franke, Andre [13 ]
Schilhabel, Markus [13 ]
Jaehn, Johanna A. [2 ,11 ,12 ]
Muhle, Hiltrud [2 ,11 ,12 ]
Boor, Rainer [11 ,12 ,14 ]
Van Paesschen, Wim [15 ]
Caraballo, Roberto [16 ]
Fejerman, Natalio [16 ]
Weckhuysen, Sarah [2 ,17 ,18 ,19 ]
De Jonghe, Peter [2 ,17 ,18 ,20 ]
Larsen, Jan [2 ,21 ]
Moller, Rikke S. [2 ,21 ]
Hjalgrim, Helle [2 ,21 ]
Addis, Laura [22 ]
Tang, Shan [22 ]
Hughes, Elaine [23 ]
Pal, Deb K. [2 ,22 ]
Veri, Kadi [2 ,24 ,25 ]
Vaher, Ulvi [2 ,24 ,25 ]
Talvik, Tiina [2 ,24 ,25 ]
Dimova, Petia [26 ]
Lopez, Rosa Guerrero [2 ,27 ,28 ]
Serratosa, Jose M. [2 ,27 ,28 ]
Linnankivi, Tarja [2 ,29 ]
Lehesjoki, Anna-Elina [2 ,30 ]
Ruf, Susanne [8 ]
Wolff, Markus [8 ]
Buerki, Sarah [31 ]
Wohlrab, Gabriele [32 ]
Kroell, Judith [33 ]
Datta, Alexandre N. [2 ,34 ]
Fiedler, Barbara [35 ]
Kurlemann, Gerhard [35 ]
Kluger, Gerhard [36 ]
Hahn, Andreas [2 ,5 ]
Haberlandt, D. Edda [37 ]
Kutzer, Christina [38 ]
Sperner, Juergen [39 ]
Becker, Felicitas [2 ,40 ]
Weber, Yvonne G. [2 ,40 ]
[1] Univ Childrens Hosp Inselspital, Div Human Genet, Bern, Switzerland
[2] Univ Cologne, Partners EuroEPINOMICS, D-50931 Cologne, Germany
[3] Univ Cologne, CCG, D-50931 Cologne, Germany
[4] Univ Cologne, Cologne Excellence Cluster Cellular Stress Respon, D-50931 Cologne, Germany
[5] Univ Med Ctr Giessen & Marburg, Dept Neuropediat, Giessen, Germany
[6] Med Univ Vienna, Dept Neurol, Vienna, Austria
[7] CeGaT, GmbH, Tubingen, Germany
[8] Univ Tubingen, Dept Neuropediat, Tubingen, Germany
[9] Tech Univ Darmstadt, Dept Neurophysiol & Neurosensory Syst, Darmstadt, Germany
[10] Univ Bielefeld, Dept Chem Biochem 3, D-33615 Bielefeld, Germany
[11] Univ Med Ctr Schleswig Holstein, Dept Neuropediat, Kiel, Germany
[12] Christian Albrecht Univ Kiel, Kiel, Germany
[13] Christian Albrechts Univ Kiel, Inst Clin Mol Biol, Kiel, Germany
[14] No German Epilepsy Ctr Children & Adolescents, Schwentinental, Germany
[15] Univ Hosp, Dept Neurol, Louvain, Belgium
[16] Juan P Garrahan Pediat Hosp, Dept Neurol, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina
[17] Univ Antwerp VIB, Dept Mol Genet, Neurogenet Grp, B-2610 Antwerp, Belgium
[18] Univ Antwerp, Inst Born Bunge, Neurogenet Lab, B-2020 Antwerp, Belgium
[19] Epilepsy Ctr Kempenhaeghe, Hans Berger Clin, Oosterhout, Netherlands
[20] Univ Antwerp Hosp, Dept Neurol, Antwerp, Belgium
[21] Danish Epilepsy Ctr, Dianalund, Denmark
[22] Kings Coll London, Kings Coll Hosp, Inst Psychiat, London, England
[23] Kings Coll London, Dept Paediat Neurosci, Neurol Clin, London, England
[24] Childrens Clin Tartu Univ Hosp, Dept Pediat, Tartu, Estonia
[25] Univ Tartu, EE-50090 Tartu, Estonia
[26] St Naum Univ Hosp Neurol & Psychiat, Clin Child Neurol, Sofia, Bulgaria
[27] Jimenez Diaz Univ Hosp, IIS Fdn, Dept Neurol, Madrid, Spain
[28] CIBERER, Madrid, Spain
[29] Univ Helsinki, Cent Hosp, Dept Pediat Neurol, Helsinki, Finland
[30] Univ Helsinki, Folkhalsan Inst Genet, Neurosci Ctr, Helsinki, Finland
[31] Univ Childrens Hosp Inselspital, Dept Neuropediat, Bern, Switzerland
[32] Univ Childrens Hosp, Neuropediat & Neurophysiol Dept, Zurich, Switzerland
[33] Swiss Epilepsy Ctr, Zurich, Switzerland
[34] Univ Childrens Hosp, Dept Neuropediat, Basel, Switzerland
[35] Univ Childrens Hosp, Univ Med Ctr Munster, Dept Neuropediat, Munster, Germany
[36] Schoen Clin Vogtareuth, Epilepsy Ctr Children & Adolescents, Dept Neuropediat & Neurorehabilitat, Vogtareuth, Germany
[37] Univ Childrens Hosp, Dept Neuropediat, Innsbruck, Austria
[38] Kinderzentrum St Martin, Regensburg, Germany
[39] Neuropediat Med Practice, Lubeck, Germany
[40] Univ Tubingen, Hertie Inst Clin Brain Res, Dept Neurol & Epileptol, Tubingen, Germany
[41] Med Univ Vienna, Dept Pediat, Vienna, Austria
[42] Med Univ Vienna, St Anna Childrens Hosp, Dept Pediat, Vienna, Austria
[43] McMaster Univ, Dept Pediat, Hamilton, ON, Canada
[44] Med Univ Graz, Dept Pediat, Graz, Austria
[45] Hosp Socio Med Ctr SMZ Sud Kaiser Franz Josef Spi, Dept Pediat, Vienna, Austria
[46] UCL, Sch Pharm, Dept Pharm, London, England
[47] Univ Bonn, Inst Human Genet, Bonn, Germany
[48] Univ Basel, Div Med Genet, Basel, Switzerland
[49] Univ Hosp, Dept Biomed, Basel, Switzerland
[50] Univ Cologne, Ctr Mol Med Cologne, D-50931 Cologne, Germany
奥地利科学基金会; 芬兰科学院;
Q3 [遗传学];
071007 ; 090102 ;
Idiopathic focal epilepsy (IFE) with rolandic spikes is the most common childhood epilepsy, comprising a phenotypic spectrum from rolandic epilepsy (also benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes, BECTS) to atypical benign partial epilepsy (ABPE), Landau-Kleffner syndrome (LKS) and epileptic encephalopathy with continuous spike and waves during slow-wave sleep (CSWS)(1,2). The genetic basis is largely unknown. We detected new heterozygous mutations in GRIN2A in 27 of 359 affected individuals from 2 independent cohorts with IFE (7.5%; P = 4.83 x 10(-18), Fisher's exact test). Mutations occurred significantly more frequently in the more severe phenotypes, with mutation detection rates ranging from 12/245 (4.9%) in individuals with BECTS to 9/51 (17.6%) in individuals with CSWS (P = 0.009, Cochran-Armitage test for trend). In addition, exon-disrupting microdeletions were found in 3 of 286 individuals (1.0%; P = 0.004, Fisher's exact test). These results establish alterations of the gene encoding the NMDA receptor NR2A subunit as a major genetic risk factor for IFE.
页码:1067 / +
共 50 条
  • [1] Mutations in GRIN2A cause idiopathic focal epilepsy with rolandic spikes
    Johannes R Lemke
    Dennis Lal
    Eva M Reinthaler
    Isabelle Steiner
    Michael Nothnagel
    Michael Alber
    Kirsten Geider
    Bodo Laube
    Michael Schwake
    Katrin Finsterwalder
    Andre Franke
    Markus Schilhabel
    Johanna A Jähn
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    Rainer Boor
    Wim Van Paesschen
    Roberto Caraballo
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    Markus Wolff
    Sarah Buerki
    Gabriele Wohlrab
    Judith Kroell
    Alexandre N Datta
    Barbara Fiedler
    Gerhard Kurlemann
    Gerhard Kluger
    Andreas Hahn
    D Edda Haberlandt
    Christina Kutzer
    Jürgen Sperner
    Felicitas Becker
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    Lal, D.
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    Nothnagel, M.
    Laube, B.
    Schwake, M.
    Hoffmann, P.
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