Minors who migrate alone must make a complex transition to independent life with a limited support network, low educational levels and job qualifications, placing them in a situation of special vulnerability to social exclusion. Faced with this situation, Social Work cannot stay quiet and must be oriented towards emancipatory interventions, in this case, access to equitable and quality education becomes crucial. This study aims to analyze the impact of the implementation of an educational strategy called Extended Learning Time with this group of minors, focusing on the acquisition of instrumental learning, the degree of employability and the social inclusion of the group. The biographical method and a communicative methodology with a markedly qualitative approach have been used. The sample is made up of research staff, heads of centers and programs, as well as former youths. The results show various improvements in academic performance, an increase in well-being and more respectful and supportive interactions. In addition, improvements are detected at a professional level by helping to recover its transformative potential. Therefore, these interventions based on dialogic learning become a powerful tool for overcoming situations of socio-educational disadvantage in Social Work.