The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system has been demonstrated to be important for proliferation and differentiation in tissues. This system has also been demonstrated to be an important regulator of the growth of normal prostate epithelium and has been implicated in the process of transformation to human epithelial prostate cancer. This study examined the function of the various components of the IGF system in benign prostate epithelium (BPE), simian virus-40 (SV40)-T antigen-immortalized prostate epithelial cells, P69SV40-T (P69), and two sublines generated from the parental line by serial passage through athymic mice: one tumorigenic (M2182) and one metastatic (M12). IGF-II messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) and protein were detected in BPE cells, and each of the three P69 cell lines. IGF-II protein levels were significantly higher in medium collected from the P69, M2182, and M12 cells than in BPE. Proliferation in response to IGF was P69 > BPE > M2182 > M12. The proliferative responses in the four cell types were paralleled by an increase in c-jun. In addition, as the cells became progressively more tumorigenic, the basal level of c-jun mRNA increased. IGF-binding protein-2 (IGFBP-2), -3, -4, -5, and -6 could be detected in the primary epithelial cell medium; however, as the cells became progressively more tumorigenic, there was a decrease in IGFBP-2,- 3, -5, and -6 in the medium. The type 1 IGF receptor (IGFr) also decreased as the cells became more tumorigenic. The M12 cells had 80% fewer receptors than the P69 cells and 70% fewer than M2182 cells. There was no change in the K-d for IGF between the cell lines. Based on these data it would appear that the difference in proliferation between the BPE cells and P69s may be due to an increased concentration of inhibitory IGFBPs in the P69 medium. The decrease in proliferation seen in response to IGF in M2182 and M12 cells compared to the P69s would appear at least in part to be due to a decreased IGFr number. IGFr mRNA is represented by 11.0- and 7.0-kilobase bands in the BPE and P69 cells, but only by an 11.0-kilobase band in M2182 and M12 cells. These data indicate that there are significant changes that occur in the IGF system during the process of malignant transformation of the prostate epithelium. The changes described in the P69 cell system are similar to those seen in vivo and suggest that an intact IGF system may be important in maintaining a differentiated epithelial cell.