The purpose of the research was to explore the non-financial factors that affect employees motivation within organizations in private sector. Moreover, how all these factors influence employees performance. Based on academic literature were found fifteen motivational factors and discussed correlation among them. Additionally, in order to obtain clear picture, all factors were presented in one research model. The research model was proposed based on literature review, linking motivational factors with employees motivation and employees performance. Based on the correlations presented in the research model were proposed 27 hypotheses that were tested using data from 133 questionnaires collected among employees in private sector. In the study participated more than thirty private sector SMEs that are located in the biggest cities from Moldova. The survey results were analyzed through SPSS statistical tools. The study showed that all employees who have participated in the research have positive perception about non-financial motivation factors. All hypotheses tested in the research model have been accepted. According to results, motivational factors with stronger contribution on employees performance are promotion, teamwork, sense of achievement, empowerment, and job engagement. Employees empowerment is the most significant predictor of employees performance. The research contributes with knowledge in managerial motivation process, presenting fifteen non-financial factors incorporated in one research model. In the study has presented comparative data which in perspective can contribute to the academic literature, especially in emerging countries, such as Republic of Moldova.