Through the analysis on Internet Of Things (IOT), logistic Unified Information System, security situation awareness (or SSA) and other technologies and system security environment, put forward the way to realize and structure security situation awareness model of logistic Unified Information System under internet of things. The security situation awareness model of logistic Unified Information System is an combinational application of IOT radio frequency identification (RFID), computer telecommunication integration (CTI) and internet technology, in the logistic Unified Information System, it uses network situation awareness technology, business modeling process, hidden markov model (HMM) security mechanism to form security situation awareness model of logistic Unified Information System, and uses vector network security situation evaluation algorithm to identify logistic Unified Information System model, forecast chronological sequence and evaluate probability density, which forms dynamic forecasting and vector returning model, releases the breakthrough and application of security situation awareness technology, and provides basic support for IOT logistic unified information security management platform being feasibility of management backbone of feasibility for a sustaining network. The output of result for vector perception test proves that security situation awareness model of logistic Unified Information System under internet of things is feasible.