共 50 条
The 2015 ACR Commission on Human Resources Workforce Survey
Bluth, Edward I.
Cox, Jan
Bansal, Swati
Green, Daniel
[1] Alton Ochsner Med Fdn & Ochsner Clin, Dept Radiol, New Orleans, LA 70121 USA
[2] Univ Queensland, Sch Med, Ochsner Clin Sch, New Orleans, LA USA
[3] Amer Coll Radiol, Commiss Human Resources, Reston, VA USA
[4] Sage Comp, Reston, VA USA
Employment for radiologists;
radiology jobs;
D O I:
R8 [特种医学];
R445 [影像诊断学];
1002 ;
100207 ;
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Purpose: The ACR Commission on Human Resources continues to conduct its annual electronic survey to better understand the present workforce scenario for radiologists. Methods: The Practice of Radiology Environment Database was used to identify group leads, who were asked to complete an electronic survey developed by the Commission on Human Resources. The survey asked group leaders to report the number of radiologists they currently employ or supervise, the number hired in 2014, and the numbers they plan to hire in 2015 and 2018. The leaders were asked to report the subspecialty area used as the main reason for hiring each physician, as well as the ages and genders of their current workforce. Results: Thirty-two percent of group leaders responded to the survey, corresponding to 12,079 radiologists or 39% of all practicing radiologists. Twenty-one percent of the workforce is female and 79% is male. Ten percent of radiologists older than 65 years are women, while 32% younger than 35 are women. Twelve percent of radiologists work part-time, corresponding to a breakdown of 10% of men and 24% of women working part-time. The current workforce is 13% general radiologists and 87% subspecialists. In 2015, a projected 1,131 to 1,484 jobs will be available for radiologists. Conclusions: Job opportunities for radiologists seem to be increasing compared with 2013 and are relatively similar to 2014. Radiologists continue to subspecialize in greater numbers, but only 39% of radiologists practice more than 50% of the time in their subspecialties.
页码:1137 / 1141