The discrete ordinates code under development by KAERI uses an unstructured tetrahedral mesh, and can thus be applied to solve the radiation transport in a complicated geometry. In addition, the geometry modeling process has become much easier because computational tetrahedral meshes are generated based on the CAD file by Gmsh. This program has been enhancing its performance and adding functions for each application. In previous research, it was applied in a neutronics analysis for the Korea Helium Cooled Ceramic Reflector (HCCR) TBM The total neutron fluxes were compared with the results from MCNPX and showed good agreement. In this paper, we applied our program to a simplified ITER model which is a 40-degree toroidal segment. The zone averaged total fluxes were compared with those of MCNPX, and total neutron flux distribution was visualized in a three-dimensional system domain.