In its final report, An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century, the U. S. Commission on Ocean Policy, created by the Oceans Act of 2000, strongly endorsed regional scale, ecosystem-based management of coastal/ocean areas. To advance such an approach the Commission made numerous recommendations, including suggestions for both structural change in government and also for change in policy. As mandated by Congress, the process leading to the ultimate issuance of the Commission's final report specifically allowed for state governors to comment on a preliminary version of that report. The Commission was then to take those comments into account before issuing its final report. Thus, state governors were given a rare opportunity to indicate their preferences and concerns on the totality of U. S. coastal/ocean governance efforts. It is clear that implementation of the Commission's recommendations will require political support from the states, both in terms of encouraging the Administration and Congress to adopt change and in ensuring required federal-state cooperation. Accordingly, it is of great importance to understand the views of the states on the issues addressed by the Commission. This article outlines and examines key concerns raised by the nation's governors on the proposed new approach to coastal/ocean governance.