Using the approach of low-energy effective field theory, the phase diagram is studied for a mixture of two species of pseudospin-1/2 Bose atoms with interspecies spin exchange. There are four mean-field regimes on the parameter plane of g(e) and g(z), where g(e) is the interspecies spin-exchange interaction strength, while g(z) is the difference between the interaction strength of interspecies scattering without spin exchange of equal spins and that of unequal spins. Two regimes, with vertical bar g(z)vertical bar > vertical bar g(e)vertical bar correspond to ground states with the total spins of the two species parallel or antiparallel along the z direction, and the low-energy excitations are equivalent to those of two-component spinless bosons. The other two regimes, with vertical bar g(c)vertical bar > vertical bar g(z)vertical bar, correspond to ground states with the total spins of the two species parallel or antiparallel on the xy plane, and the low-energy excitations are described by a sine-Gordon model coupled with a free scalar field, where the effective fields are combinations of the phases of the original four boson fields. In (1 + 1)-dimension, they are described by Kosterlitz-Thouless renormalization group (RG) equations, and there are three sectors in the phase plane of a scaling dimension and a dimensionless parameter proportional to the strength of the cosine interaction, both depending on the densities. The gaps of these elementary excitations are experimental probes of the underlying many-body ground states.