Formal and informal learning seem to be opposing forms of education, but both can live together in harmony through new information and communication technologies. Advantages and disadvantages of formal and informal learning consists in that each entails the transmission of specific skills and knowledge. Research objective is to study the differences between formal and informal in order to streamline their complementary learning process. Thus, as a pedagogical tool, the webblog served as a motivational factor in learning. Design research was conducted during the school year 2010-2011, the second semester, the lot of subjects represented by the 9th grade students of the Normal School Vasile Lupu from Iasy, at Physics discipline. To ensure a comparable basis of objective data, the method used mainly pedagogical experiment and to fulfil this were selected two groups: a control group and an experimental group, observing the changes made by using the blog by students in the learning process, namely the main coordinates of learning: motivation, ability to achieve the purpose for learning, also the interest, effort, tension, learning environment stimulation. Were involved two instruments, Intrinsic Motivation Scale, Student Motivation Towards Science Learning and also focus groups with students to see their perception about learning. By final statistical checking of the data, the results were statistical corelated.