Competency requirements of the Indonesian engineers expertise in the field of Civil Engineering Construction services industry, is conducted through research and development by exploring the needs of expertise competence which exists in construction services development agencies, the corporate world construction services (consultancy, supervision, and contractors), and the industry that refers to the Regional Model of Standard Competency (RMCS). The competency development refers to the RMCS, contains proficiency: (1) task skills (skills/job duties); (2) task management skills (the skills of managing a task); (3) contingency management skills (skill of anticipating possibilities); (4) job/role environment skills (the skills of managing the work environment); and (5) the ability of the transfer or adaptation in different work situations/new (transferable management skills) [3] Competency requirements for the education profession of Engineers could be developed by a college that has Faculty of engineering and professional organizations or by Union Engineers Indonesia. The purposes of long-term development, (1) are expected to be able to answer the needs and challenges of the development in the field of engineering, information technology, and the industry in the future; (2) have the capability to compete. The competency development of engineers' expertise is, namely, building a culture of thinking, being a strong character in competing, and minded individuals in supporting the development of construction industry comprehensively. In addition, the development rises to the mentality of confidence, nature of disciplined, responsible, oriented on the quality and quality as well as participate in the development of the construction industry. The next contribution of Indonesian engineers is to be able to compete at the national, regional, and global level. The special targets: (1) the analysis needs of competency development of Engineer expertise; (2) designing and developing competency model of Engineer's profession skill. This research employed the research and development framework [1], as follows: (1) competency analysis of expertise requirements, (2) content identification of competency skills design, (3) devices development of competency expertise design, and (4) experts and trial validation of competency skills design; and (5) testing of competency expertise design. The results of this study showed that the development includes the understanding of utilization resources, namely; the ability of interpesonal skill, the ability to communicate, the ability to think critically of personal development, leadership, presentation skill, numeracy (numbers of skills), and digital skill.