The underlying mechanisms for impaired output on letter (F, A, and S) and category (e.g., animal) word list generation (WLG) tasks in subcortical ischemic vascular dementia (IVD) were investigated. Normal control (NC) and Alzheimer's disease (AD) participants were also studied. ND and NC participants performed better on category than letter WLG tasks, whereas the opposite was observed among AD participants. IVD participants produced fewer responses than AD participants on letter WLG tasks, but there was no difference between AD and ND participants on the ''animal'' WLG task. AD participants scored lower than ND and NC participants on animal WLG indexes measuring semantic knowledge. There were few differences between IVD and NC participants. The reduced output on the animal WLG task for IVD participants is consistent with search-retrieval deficits. The reduced output of AD participants may be caused by degraded semantic knowledge.