Soils are a fundamental part of terrestrial ecosystems, provide fundamental ecosystem services and are closely linked to global problems such as climate change, the sustainability of water resources and food security. However, it is estimated that a quarter of the world's agricultural soils have been significantly degraded because of land-use practices and climatic change. To fight against such degradation, there is thus a need for individuals with skills in the sustainable use of the soil. Also, awareness about the need to adequately manage the natural environment and guarantee its preservation for future generations should be raised. In this sense, an experience was carried out at the subject "Nature Sciences in the Primary Education Classroom I" in the first year of the Primary Education degree of the Faculty of Bilbao. Fifty one students participated in it in groups of about seven individuals. The experience consisted of a formative talk of participatory character around the formation of the soil, its characteristics and its degradation and loss. In a later session, the students manually tested the different textures of the soil samples and observed the macrofauna that inhabited them. In that same session, an explanatory video was viewed and, according to it, a chromatogram of the soil samples was carried out. Finally, in the last session, the status of the soils in relation to their organic matter as assessed by the chromatogram was determined. Afterwards, the university students designed didactic units about soils, which they mostly placed at the 4th and 5th years of Primary Education. In those works, the objectives depicted, shown below, address a wide range of issues related to the development of scientific competence and the competences of Education in Sustainability: "It is about children detecting scientific problems and carrying out small documentation and research tasks in order to work on problematic situations and formulate solutions for such situations in a responsible manner". "The main objective is to raise awareness about soil care and encourage collaborative work. In addition, it is also intended that children learn the steps to be taken in a scientific investigation." "Acquisition of knowledge about the soil. Promote cooperative work. Learning to eat in a healthier way" "Consideration of consumer lifestyles, observation of consumption models, research on waste generation, consideration of the snacks eaten at the Faculty, consideration of our consumption model". "To be aware of a nearby natural resource. To know the soil, its components and properties, how it is formed and the important elements in the process. To understand the degradation of the soil and the impact of humans on it and be aware of what can be done to take care of the soil. Acquisition of skills in the use of new technologies. To learn to work both in the field and in the laboratory. To learn to work together. Carrying out small investigations and communicate them in a clear and attractive way. Being able to discuss in public. "Students knowledge on how animals live. That they understand in what floors animals live. The quality of different soils. Promoting respect among living beings."