Talent Management (T.M.) constitutes a modern and emerging research area in Human Resources Management (HRM). Using a systematic literature approach, we searched in Talent Management literature in the healthcare sector context. We conclude that the number of related studies is minimal. The benefits of implementing Talent Management strategies in healthcare organizations are essential for the organization's sustainable development and the talented staff and healthcare services patients. Our goal is to undertake a systematic literature review to identify these factors related to talent management practices suitable for healthcare organizations and professionals. We have conducted, according to PRISMA guidelines, a systematic literature review (2010-2020) in the electronic databases PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Health Source/Nursing Academic Edition. Search terms related to T.M. were ("Talent Management" AND "Talent Healthcare"). Strict inclusion and exclusion criteria were set for observational studies, while grey and unpublished literature, uncontrolled studies, protocols, commentaries, and conference proceedings were excluded. All included items were assessed for their quality according to set criteria. Six hundred and eighty-four studies were identified, of which 24 met the requirements. The resulting Talent Management Factors were grouped into nine categories: Programming, Attraction, Development, Preservation, Performance Assessment, Work Climate, Culture, Succession Planning, and Leadership. Based on these factors, we provide a holistic picture of the referred domain's leading developments. The paper determines the Talent Management factors and explains what happens in practice. In this way, we contribute to building a theoretical framework for T.M. in terms of the organizational context.