The present research aimed at evaluating in lab-scale system the removal of pollutants and biogas production efficiency in treating a swine liquid effluent. The research was carried out in the Laboratory of Water Analysis from the Engineering Department of Federal University of Lavras (LAADEG). The system parts built up were: Acidification Equalization Tank (AET), an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket reactor (UASB) with biogas measurement and an Aerated Facultative Pond (AFP). The batch feeding process was carried out in the AET, and through a peristaltic pump, the effluent passed through a heating system before it was introduced in the UASB reactor, only then, the effluent was conducted to the AFP. The biogas production was canalized to a pressurized container for equalization and then, kept in a water displacement gasmeter. The average hydraulic retention time (HRT) was 30 hours. The average removal values of CODT, BOD5, TS, TFS and TVS, were: 1755, 670, 1089; 142 and 948 mg.L-1, respectively. The efficiency of CODT and BOD5, were 78 and 75%, respectively. The average biogas and methane production were 0,14 e 0,10 L.d-1, respectively. The theoretical CH4 production per BOD5 removed was 0,01 m(3)CH(4).kgBOD(removed)(-1). The system showed a good efficiency concerning the CODT, BOD5 and solids removal.