Objective The authors provide the results of follow-up evaluation after combined surgical and radiologic management of 89 patients with major bile duct injuries during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Summary Background Data The incidence and mechanism of injury of major bile duct injuries during laparoscopic cholecystectomy has been clearly defined. Furthermore, a number of series have described the management of these injuries by surgical, endoscopic, and radiologic techniques with excellent short-term results. Long-term follow-up data, however, are lacking in the management of these injuries. Methods Data were collected prospectively on 89 patients treated ata single institution with major bile duct injuries after laparoscopic cholecystectomy managed between July 1, 1990, and July 1, 1996. Patients referred with injuries underwent early percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography and biliary drainage. Based on the cholangiographic appearance and clinical situation, patients were managed by either percutaneous balloon dilatation or surgical reconstruction with a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy with transanastomotic stenting. Follow-up was obtained by personal interview during October 1996. Results Two patients died without an attempt at definitive therapy. Both deaths were caused by sepsis and multisystem organ failure present at the time of transfer to the authors' institution. The remaining 87 patients were managed initially by either balloon dilatation (N = 28) or surgical reconstruction (N = 59). Ten patients have not completed treatment and still have biliary stents in place. Evaluation of 25 patients completing treatment after balloon dilatation (mean follow-up, 27.8 months) showed a success rate of 64%. Evaluation of 52 patients completing treatment after surgical reconstruction (mean follow-up, 33.4 months)showed a success rate of 92%. All failures were managed successfully by either surgical reconstruction or balloon dilatation. Conclusions Major bile duct injuries can be managed successfully by combined surgical and radiologic techniques. This series provides, for the first time, significant follow-up on a large number of patients with overall success rates of 64% after balloon dilatation and 92% after surgical reconstruction. The combination of surgery and balloon dilatation resulted in a successful outcome in 100% of patients treated.