The effects of various ceramics and semicrystalline polymers on the dielectric properties of MgMoO4/polypropylene (PP), MgWO4/PP, NiNb2O6/poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE), and MgNb2O6/PTFE composites were investigated at microwave frequencies. In the frequency range from 1 to 9.4 GHz, the dielectric constant (K) of the composites showed good frequency stability, while their dielectric loss (tan delta) increased with increasing frequency, due to the dipolar relaxation process associated with the matrices. With increasing ceramic content, the K and tan delta values of the composites increased, due to the K values of the individual components and interfacial polarization between the ceramics and polymers. For the composites with the same amounts of ceramics, the K value and temperature coefficient of the resonant frequency (TCF) of the composites were dependent on the type of ceramics. Also, the measured K values of the composites were compared with the effective dielectric properties calculated by different theoretical models. (C) 2012 The Japan Society of Applied Physics