Today the model of sustainable development is shaping the debate in Germany over medium- and long-term environmental and development policies to an extent which no one could have envisaged only a few years ago. Germany had already demonstrated its major commitment to sustainable development during the lead-up to the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. That commitment has been continued through a large variety of activities on the part of the Government as well as of industry, science and the non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This paper gives an overview of the major contributions made by German institutions and institutes to the model of sustainable development and its implementation in Germany. The Federal Government of Germany has undertaken to meet the emission reduction targets for a number of substances, the most relevant of which are addressed. Also, the basic elements of a report, prepared by the Umweltbundesamt, are outlined. For five exemplary sectors, this report proposes steps towards achieving sustainability in Germany by the year 2010. Taking the ''mobility and transport'' sector as a typical example, Umweltbundesamt's approach to sustainability is described, together with the necessary measures and structural changes which necessitate a corresponding change in people's outlook. The Environmental Policy Targets proposed for this sector are: 25 percent reduction of CO2 emissions, a 90 percent reduction in carcinogenic air pollutants, and an 80 percent reduction in the precursor substances of summer smog by the year 2005.