Three studies aimed at developing the Spanish version of the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA; Armsden & Greenberg, 1987) and at analyzing its factor structure are reported. In Study 1, the Spanish translation of items and their content analysis was carried out via cognitive interviews. In Study 2, the three-factor structure proposed by authors was tested in a sample of 417 adolescents (270 girls and 147 boys) using confirmatory analysis, and indexes showed a suboptimal fit. A principal component analysis yielded one-dimensional structures in father, mother and peer versions, explaining 54.3%, 50.8%, and 50.8% of the variance respectively. On the basis of the factor loadings and of the item-total correlations, a shortened version of the inventory was created. Convergent validity was tested with measures of family climate, parenting socialization and self-esteem. In Study 3, the one-dimension structure was confirmed in a new sample of 604 adolescents (335 girls and 269 boys). Based on all factor analyses and convergent validity indices obtained, we conclude that the Spanish IPPA questionnaire reliably and validly assesses adolescent attachment using only a dimension of attachment security.