In the present study, the expression of bcl-2 protein in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and basaloid carcinoma (BC) was immunohistochemically examined, and its relation to tumor progression and postoperative survival was determined in SCC, A total of 42 SCC and 4 BC tumor samples were fixed with formalin, embedded in paraffin, and stained using monoclonal bcl-2 protein antibody, clone 124, Immunoreactivity was semiquantitatively scored, and the staining results were compared with the pathologic features and survival rates, The cytoplasm of basal cells from the normal esophageal epithelium was stained, In some well- and moderately differentiated SCCs, bcl-2 protein-positive reaction was observed in the peripheral part of the tumor cord, but in poorly differentiated SCC, the cells were weakly or hardly stained, However, in BC, the cells were strongly stained, The immunoreactivity was positive in 45.2% of the SCCs and all of the BCs, There were no significant differences in pathological features or patient survival between the bcl-2 protein-positive and protein-negative SCCs, In conclusion, the expression was not related to tumor progression and had no prognostic significance in SCC. Conversely, BC had strong immunohistochemical expression, probably associated with the differentiation of carcinoma cells simulating the basal cells of the esophagus.