The territory of the Republic of Moldova has been suffering heavy damages and losses as a result of the activity of the intermediate depth earthquake sources located in the area of Vrancea Mountains, Romania. The severity of these earthquakes, combined with limited resources, has a significant negative impact on the population and infrastructure of the Republic of Moldova. In order to provide a background of protection strategies, it is of utmost importance to perform the impact assessment of Vrancea earthquakes. In the present study an earthquake damage-loss assessment has been performed, with the aim to control and reduce the seismic risk on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. The Vrancea earthquake of 10.11.1940 was selected as an earthquake scenario-the strongest event of the 20th century with approximately 100 years return period and magnitude MG-R = 7.4. The total number of buildings taken into calculation is about 1 million 50 thousand units. The potential loss was represented in damage terms through a parameter-"the average damage grade". It was noticed that in Moldova there are areas with a high probability of serious damage caused by future earthquakes. Weaknesses concerning seismic safety in the Republic of Moldova as well as the necessary preventive scientific, political, administrative measures have been listed.