Objective To describe the outcome of small ruminants treated with unilateral and bilateral mastectomy by using three surgical techniques. Study design Retrospective study. Animals Twenty-five small ruminants (24 goats and one sheep). Methods Medical records of animals that underwent mastectomy between November 1, 2002, and May 1, 2019, were reviewed. Follow-up information was obtained by telephone questionnaire with owners. Signalment, surgical data, intraoperative and postoperative complications, bacterial culture results, histopathologic diagnoses, short- and long-term outcomes, and other procedures performed were recorded. Result Procedures consisted of six unilateral (with an elliptical incision) and 19 total (with inverted cloverleaf or elliptical skin incisions) mastectomies. All animals survived to hospital discharge. Intraoperative complications included contamination of the surgical site with mammary-gland fluid, hemorrhage, and difficulty dissecting skin from the mammary gland. Postoperative complications included seroma formation (7/25), surgical-site infection (5/25), and dehiscence of the skin incision (3/25). Mammary neoplasia was diagnosed in seven of 15 animals with histopathologic examination. No association was detected between surgical technique, diagnosis of neoplasia, and long-term outcome. Overall, client satisfaction was high. Conclusion Mastectomy was effective at removing abnormally enlarged udders secondary to chronic mastitis, inappropriate lactation, idiopathic causes, or neoplasia and was associated with a low rate of complications in small ruminants. Clinical significance Unilateral mastectomy with an elliptical skin incision or total mastectomy, preferably with inverted cloverleaf skin incision, may be indicated to remove diseased mammary tissue in small ruminants and can result in long-term survival with low morbidity and cosmetically pleasing results. (c) 2020 The American College of Veterinary Surgeons.