Mixing models using major and trace elements show that the bulk composition of lithology A (xenocryst-bearing magnesian basalt) of Elephant Moraine A79001 (EETA79001) can be reasonably approximated as a simple mixture of similar to 44% EETA79001 lithology B (ferroan basalt) and similar to 56% of Allan Hills A77005 (ALHA7705) light lithology (incompatible element-poor Iherzolite). Micro-instrumental neutron activation analysis ((INAA) data on xenocryst-free groundmass samples of lithology A show that about 20-25% of the melt phase could be dissolved Iherzolite. The bulk and groundmass samples of lithology A have excesses in Au, which indicates either meteoritic contamination or addition by some unknown martian geochemical process. Previous workers have suggested that lithology A was formed by either assimilation of cumulates (like ALHA77005), by a basalt (like lithology B), or by mixing of basaltic and Iherzolitic magmas. The former scenario is energetically improbable and unlikely to explain the normal Fe/Mg zonation in lithology A groundmass pyroxenes, whereas the latter scenario is unlikely to satisfy the constraints of the mixing model indicating the ultramafic component is poor in incompatible elements. We suggest rather that EETA79001 lithology A is an impact melt composed dominantly of basalt like lithology B and Iherzolitic cumulates like the trace-element-poor fraction of ALHA77005 or Y-793605. This model can satisfy the energetic, petrologic, and geochemical constraints imposed by the samples. If EETA79001 lithology A is an impact melt, this would have considerable consequences for current models of martian petrologic evolution. It would call into question the generally accepted age of magmatism of martian basalts and preclude the use of lithology A groundmass as a primary martian basalt composition in experimental studies. Regardless, the latter is required because lithology A groundmass is a hybrid composition.