Double skin facades are adaptive envelopes designed to improve building energy use and comfort performance. Their adaptive principle relies on the dynamic management of the cavity's ventilation flow and, when available, of the shading device. They can also be integrated with the environmental systems for heating, cooling, and ventilation. However, in most cases, the possible exploitation of the ventilation airflow is not fully enabled, as the adoption of only one or two possible airpath limits the possibility that this facade architecture offers, meaning that flexible interaction with the environmental systems cannot be planned. This work aims to develop, using an existing software tool for building energy simulation, a numerical model of a flexible double-skin facade module capable of fully exploiting the adaptive features of such an envelope concept by switching between different cavity ventilation strategies. Leveraging the "Double Glass Facade" component available in IDA ICE, a new model for a flexible double-skin facade module was developed, and its performance in replicating the thermophysical behaviours of such a dynamic system was assessed by comparison with experimental data collected through a dedicated experimental activity using one the outdoor test cells of the TWINS facility in Torino (Italy). The accuracy of the predictions of the new model for a flexible double-skin facade was in line with that obtained by the conventional "Double Glass Facade" component to simulate traditional double-skin facades. The mean bias errors obtained were lower than 1.5 degrees C and 4 W/m2, for air and surface temperature values and for transmitted long-wave or short-wave heat flux values, respectively. By establishing a new archetype model to study the performance and optimal integration of a large class of double-skin facade modules, including fully flexible ones, this work demonstrates the possibility of modifying existing models in building energy simulation tools to study unconventional building envelope model solutions such as adaptive facade systems.