Data from developing Brangus heifers (3/8 Brahman-Bos indicus x 5/8 Angus-Bos taurus; n approximate to 802 from 67 sires) registered with International Brangus Breeders Association were analyzed to detect QTL associated with growth traits and ultrasound measures of carcass traits. Genotypes were from BovineSNP50 (Infinium BeadChip, Illumina, San Diego, CA; 53,692 SNP). Phenotypes included BW collected at birth and similar to 205 and 365 d of age, and yearling ultrasound assessment of LM area, percent intramuscular fat, and depth of rib fat. Simultaneous association of SNP windows with phenotype were undertaken with Bayes C analyses, using GenSel software. The SNP windows were approximate to 5 SNP in length. Analyses fitted a mixture model that treated SNP effects as random, with an assumed fraction pi = 0.999 having no effect on phenotype. Bootstrap analyses were used to obtain significance values for the SNP windows with the greatest contribution to observed variation. The SNP windows with P < 0.01 were considered as QTL associated with a trait in which case their location was queried from dbSNP and the presence of a previously reported QTL in that location was checked in CattleQTLdb. For 9 traits, QTL were mapped to 139 regions on 25 chromosomes. Forty-one of these QTL were already described in CattleQTLdb, so 98 are new additions. The SNP windows on chromosomes 1, 3, and 6 were associated with multiple traits (i.e., 205- and 365-d BW, and ADG from birth to 205 and 365 d of age). Several chromosomes harbored regions associated with multiple traits; however, the SNP that comprised the window often varied among traits (i.e., chromosomes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 24, 28, and 29). Results from whole genome association of SNP with growth and ultrasound carcass traits in developing Brangus heifers confirmed several published QTL and detected several new QTL.