Between november 1993 and october 1996; a cervical screening program was proposed for women 25-65-year-old who tend to have little or no medical supervision, in three suburban districts of Lyon. The data and results of the two last Pap-smears have been collected together with details of gynecological follow-up. Both general practitioners and gynaecologists were actively involved. A total of 3,792 women (12.3% of the target) were registered, with a larger proportion of women over 60 (17.7%). According to the "Consensus of Lille": only 403 women (34.4%) had adequate screening lover 50 y: 25.8%, 35-49 y: 39.4%, 22-35% y 36.5%) and 2,489 women had inappropriate gynaecological follow-up: no smear for 185 women (4.9%) and inadequate schedule of follow-up visits for 476 others (12.5%). Missing data (date or results of Pap smear) were noted for 1,828 patients (48.2%). The screening procedure for women over 50 years was carried out mainly by general practitioner. Of 3,127 registered smears, 62 positive results were found (2.1%). Of these women, 3 were lost to follow-up and 4 did not have appropriate tests. Others results were: 27 negative further investigations, 3 CIN1, 7 CIN2, CIN3, 1 in situ carcinoma and 2 invasive carcinoma. Despite low participation, this pilot study indicates that a procedure can be established to integrate high risk women in cervical cancer screening programme. Active participation of general practitioners is essential.