This study evaluated the effects of tree species and sites on soil carbohydrates, litterfall, and litter chemistry in 2-, 4- and 10-year-old improved fallows at three sites in eastern Zambia. Between April 2002 and August 2003, litter was collected in 2-year-old tree fallows at Kalichero, Kalunga and Msekera for chemical analyses. Soil samples collected at 0-30 cm from all experiments were analysed for total soil organic carbon (SOC), but only those from 4- and 10-year-old fallows were analysed for carbohydrates. Soil arabinose- and mannose-C stocks, and carbohydrate-C percentages of SOC (7.7-20.6 %) significantly (P < 0.05) differed across tree species in 10-year-old coppicing fallows at Msekera. Converting M + F to improved fallows resulted in a decline in monosaccharide-C, carbohydrate-C stocks and carbohydrate-C percentage of SOC. There were significant (P < 0.05) variations in litterfall (0.7-2.3 t ha(-1) year(-1)) and litter C contents (0.3-1.1 t ha(-1) year(-1)) across 2-year-old coppicing tree fallows at Msekera. Litter production and C contents were significantly greater on sandy soils at Kalunga than on fine-textured soils at Msekera. Litter chemical contents (C, N, AUR and polyphenols) and ratios (C:N, P:N, AUR:N, and (AUR + P):N) for litter in fallows differed significantly (P < 0.05) across species and sites. In this study, the role of litter in carbon cycling in improved fallows depended on tree species and site conditions.