共 50 条
Whither systems medicine?
Apweiler, Rolf
Beissbarth, Tim
Berthold, Michael R.
Bluethgen, Nils
Burmeister, Yvonne
Dammann, Olaf
Deutsch, Andreas
Feuerhake, Friedrich
Franke, Andre
Hasenauer, Jan
Hoffmann, Steve
Hoefer, Thomas
Jansen, Peter L. M.
Kaderali, Lars
Klingmueller, Ursula
Koch, Ina
Kohlbacher, Oliver
Kuepfer, Lars
Lammert, Frank
Maier, Dieter
Pfeifer, Nico
Radde, Nicole
Rehm, Markus
Roeder, Ingo
Saez-Rodriguez, Julio
Sax, Ulrich
Schmeck, Bernd
Schuppert, Andreas
Seilheimer, Bernd
Theis, Fabian J.
Vera, Julio
Wolkenhauer, Olaf
[1] EMBL EBI, depgen, Wellcome Genome Campus, Cambridge, England
[2] Univ Med Ctr Gottingen, Inst Med Stat, Gottingen, Germany
[3] Univ Konstanz, Fachbereich Informat & Informat Wissensch, Constance, Germany
[4] Charite, Inst Pathol, Berlin, Germany
[5] Humboldt Univ, Inst Theoret Biol, Integrat Res Inst Life Sci, Berlin, Germany
[6] Biol Heilmittel Heel GmbH, Baden Baden, Germany
[7] Tufts Univ, Sch Med, Dept Publ Hlth & Community Med, Boston, MA 02111 USA
[8] Hannover Med Sch, Perinatal Epidemiol Unit, Hannover, Germany
[9] Tech Univ Dresden, Ctr Informat Serv & High Performance Comp, Dresden, Germany
[10] Hannover Med Sch, Inst Pathol, Neuropathol, Hannover, Germany
[11] Univ Clin Freiburg, Inst Neuropathol, Freiburg, Germany
[12] Univ Kiel, Inst Clin Mol Biol, Kiel, Germany
[13] Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen, Inst Computat Biol, Neuherberg, Germany
[14] Tech Univ Munich, Ctr Math, Garching, Germany
[15] Univ Leipzig, LIFE Res Ctr Civilizat Dis, Transcriptome Bioinformat, Leipzig, Germany
[16] German Canc Res Ctr, Div Theoret Syst Biol, Heidelberg, Germany
[17] Heidelberg Univ, BioQuant Ctr, Heidelberg, Germany
[18] Maastricht Univ, Maastricht Ctr Syst Biol, Maastricht, Netherlands
[19] Univ Med Greifswald, Inst Bioinformat, Greifswald, Germany
[20] German Canc Res Ctr, Div Syst Biol Signal Transduct, Heidelberg, Germany
[21] German Ctr Lung Res DZL, TLRC, Heidelberg, Germany
[22] Goethe Univ Frankfurt, Inst Comp Sci, Mol Bioinformat, Frankfurt, Germany
[23] Univ Tubingen, Ctr Bioinformat, Tubingen, Germany
[24] Univ Tubingen, Quantitat Biol Ctr, Tubingen, Germany
[25] Max Planck Inst Dev Biol, Biomol Interact, Tubingen, Germany
[26] Bayer Technol Serv GmbH, Computat Syst Biol, Leverkusen, Germany
[27] Saarland Univ, Med Ctr, Dept Med 2, Homburg, Germany
[28] Biomax Informat AG, Planegg, Munich, Germany
[29] Max Planck Inst Informat, Dept Computat Biol & Appl Algorithm, Saarbrucken, Germany
[30] Univ Stuttgart, Inst Syst Theory & Automat Control, Stuttgart, Germany
[31] Univ Stuttgart, Stuttgart Res Ctr Syst Biol, Stuttgart, Germany
[32] Royal Coll Surgeons Ireland, Ctr Syst Med, Dept Physiol & Med Phys, Dublin 2, Ireland
[33] Univ Stuttgart, Inst Cell Biol & Immunol, Stuttgart, Germany
[34] Tech Univ Dresden, Carl Gustav Carus Fac Med, Inst Med Informat & Biometry, Dresden, Germany
[35] RWTH Aachen Univ Hosp, Joint Res Ctr Computat Biomed JRC COMBINE, Aachen, Germany
[36] Univ Med Ctr, Dept Med Informat, Gottingen, Germany
[37] Univ Giessen, Inst Lung Research iLung, Marburg, Germany
[38] Philipps Univ Marburg, Marburg Lung Ctr, Marburg, Germany
[39] German Ctr Lung Res, Marburg, Germany
[40] Rhein Westfal TH Aachen, Joint Res Ctr Computat Biomed, AICES, Aachen, Germany
[41] Tech Univ Munich, Dept Math, Munich, Germany
[42] Friedrich Alexander Univ Erlangen Nurnberg, Lab Syst Tumor Immunol, Erlangen, Germany
[43] Erlangen Univ Hosp, Erlangen, Germany
[44] Rostock Univ, Dept Syst Biol & Bioinformat, D-18051 Rostock, Germany
[45] Stellenbosch Univ, Wallenberg Res Ctr, Stellenbosch Inst Adv Study STIAS, Stellenbosch, South Africa
D O I:
Q5 [生物化学];
Q7 [分子生物学];
071010 ;
081704 ;
New technologies to generate, store and retrieve medical and research data are inducing a rapid change in clinical and translational research and health care. Systems medicine is the interdisciplinary approach wherein physicians and clinical investigators team up with experts from biology, biostatistics, informatics, mathematics and computational modeling to develop methods to use new and stored data to the benefit of the patient. We here provide a critical assessment of the opportunities and challenges arising out of systems approaches in medicine and from this provide a definition of what systems medicine entails. Based on our analysis of current developments in medicine and healthcare and associated research needs, we emphasize the role of systems medicine as a multilevel and multidisciplinary methodological framework for informed data acquisition and interdisciplinary data analysis to extract previously inaccessible knowledge for the benefit of patients.
页码:e453 / e453