In this paper, ultra wide band (UWB) metamterial based compact planar antennas have been designed and experimentally verified. Four novel unit cells have been realized and each unit cell dispersion characteristics are numerically calculated which follows CRLH-TL properties. These four CRLH-TL unit cells are loaded into monopole antennas which result, four open-ended MTM antennas respectively. Further, a novel via free version of CRLH-TL unit cells have been designed, which increases the fabrication flexibility. The compactness has been achieved by realizing ZOR (zeroth order resonance) mode and its bandwidth is increased by realizing small shunt capacitance and large shunt inductance. Further, by optimizing CRLH-TL unit cells, two closely spaced zeroth-order and first-order resonance modes are merged into a single pass band, which gives wide bandwidth. The each proposed antenna has a compact dimension of 0.27 lambda(0) x 0.19 x 0.02 lambda(0) (22 x 15 x 1.6 mm(3)), where lambda(0) is a free space wavelength at 3.8 GHz. The four proposed antennas have S-11 < -10 dB impedance bandwidths of 8.4 GHz, 8.5 GHz, 8.2 GHz and 8.3 GHz respectively. The optimum gain, good efficiency, desired radiation characteristics in frequency domain analysis and less distortion of waves in time domain analysis have been achieved for proposed antennas, which are most suitable for UWB applications. The CST-MWS has been used for the parametric study of the proposed antennas. A good agreement has been observed between simulated and experimental results. (C) 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.