Service recommendation technology is the key to realize the personalization of intelligent services. The recommended services need to meet functional requirements as well as non-functional requirements. Therefore, QoS-based service recommendation came into being. To perform intelligent service recommendations, matching users with convenient services based on QoS becomes an inevitable task. However, most of the service recommendation models are based on user interaction records to predict and recommend, ignoring the service-user correlation and unstable QoS values. In this article, we propose a new service recommendation model. We have performed two-tier filtering calculation on a large number of Web Services, filtering the contextual information of users and services and the instability of services. In the first filtering layer, we take the instability of QoS as an indicator to eliminate invalid services, which significantly reduces the service scale and eliminates the interference of invalid services on the recommendation to a certain extent. Further, we process the contextual information of both users and services in the second filtering layer. Considering the impact of the correlation between the service and the user, we use the geographic location information of the user and the service, and solve the combined features generated by the similarity between the user and the service to filter. Considering the sparsity of the service recommendation environment and the influence of noise generated by useless features, we use a model of factorization machine combined with the attention mechanism for computational processing. It effectively distinguishes the interactive importance of different features. We have conducted many experiments on real dataset, and the results show that our model is better than most baseline model in terms of recommendation performance.