The conclusions, together with the new compromise, suggested by the latest works of the "groupe de Dombes", whose aims is more or less to patch up the traditional Mariological breach between Catholics and Protestants, are highly likely to cause perplexity within the minds of critical theologians in connection with the premises that presided over the selection and interpretations of the reference sources, as well as the probing of these sources and the a priori fashioning of those for ecumenical activity. H. Garcia's analysis, which is meant to be the first half of an overall analysis of the "high" Mariological journey and its Christological consistency in ancient Christianity, attempts at highlighting the limitations, possibly even the deadlocks, of ecumenical discourse on the mother of Jesus by resorting to different theological loci, different presuppositions applying to different literary sources, with the aim of balancing the objective file to be analyzed from a scientific standpoint with the apposite attitude to be adopted on a spiritual level.