The purpose of this study was todetermine the effect of the rule-bounded organizational citizenship behavior (ROCB) with employee engagement as a mediating variable. This research was conducted at PT. Bintan Inti Industrial Estate, the samples in this study amounted to 103 employees, consisting of eight (8) work units. The analysistestis the analysis of SEM (Structural Equation Model) by using PLS analytical tools (Partial Least Square). The results of this study show that: 1) Oorganizational climate has a positive effect on ROCB. 2) Interpersonal Communication has a positive effect on ROCB. 3) Organizational climate has a significant positive effect on employee engagement. 4) Interpersonal communication has a significant positive effect on employee engagement. 5) Employee engagement has a significant positive effect on ROCB. 6) Organizational climate has a significant positiveeffect on ROCB with employee engagement as amediator variable. 7) Interpersonal communication has a positive significant effect on ROCB with employee engagement as a mediating variable. These results can be interpreted that the organizational climate, interpersonal communication, employee engagement, and rule-bounded organizational citizenship behavior arevaluable components to an organization. These components can be important factors to improve employee performances and organizational goals.