Recently, all over the world there has been an increasing interest in the problem of diagnosis and treatment of bronchial asthma in the gestational research, which, according to various sources, occurs in 1 to 13.8% of pregnant women. The aim of the research was to determine the clinical and functional characteristics of the asthma course during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, including patients with repeated pregnancies and childbirth. 102 patients with bronchial asthma were monitored in the dynamics of pregnancy and the postpartum period for the time from 3 months to 3 years. There were used Clinical and anamnestic data, integral monitoring of clinical syndromes, testing with the help of the formalized Asthma Control Test (ACT (TM)), examination of lungs ventilating function, diurnal monitoring of bronchial patency parameters, assessment of the stress impact on the adaptive reserves and the state of natural resistance of the body in terms of the hemogram data. The dynamics of the bronchial asthma course in the gestational period in these patients looked as follows: course worsening was observed in 44% of patients, more often with non-allergic and mixed forms of the disease, without significant dynamics - in 39.2%, improvement in 9.8%, basically with mild persistent allergic asthma. In the postpartum period, 34.3% of patients showed improvement, 41.2% had no dynamics, and 24.5% - worsening of symptoms, mainly in patients with moderate and severe asthma. There was revealed influence of some factors on the dynamics of the asthma course during gestation and in the postpartum period: the severity of the disease, the presence of extrapulmonary allergic diseases, polyvalent sensitization, chronic pathology of ENT organs, SARS, and the extent to which the patients follow medical recommendations.