We examine the intra-arc crustal seismicity of the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone. Our aim is to resolve interseismic deformation in an active magmatic arc dominated by both margin-parallel (Liquine-Ofqui fault system, LOFS) and Andean transverse faults. Crustal seismicity provides information about the schizosphere tectonic state, delineating the geometry and kinematics of high strain domains driven by oblique-subduction. Here, we present local seismicity based on 16-month data collected from 34 seismometers monitoring a 200-km-long section of the Southern Volcanic Zone, including the Lonquimay and Villarrica volcanoes. We located 356 crustal events with magnitudes between M-w 0.6 and M-w 3.6. Local seismicity occurs at depths down to 40km in the forearc and consistently shallower than 12km beneath the volcanic chain, suggesting a convex shape of the crustal seismogenic layer bottom. Focal mechanisms indicate strike-slip faulting consistent with ENE-WSW shortening in line with the long-term deformation history revealed by structural geology studies. However, we find regional to local-scale variations in the shortening axes orientation as revealed by the nature and spatial distribution of microseismicity, within three distinctive latitudinal domains. In the northernmost domain, seismicity is consistent with splay faulting at the northern termination of the LOFS; in the central domain, seismicity distributes along ENE- and WNW-striking discrete faults, spatially associated with, hitherto seismic Andean transverse faults. The southernmost domain, in turn, is characterized by activity focused along a N15 degrees E striking master branch of the LOFS. These observations indicate a complex strain compartmentalization pattern within the intra-arc crust, where variable strike-slip faulting dominates over dip-slip movements. Plain Language Summary In active volcanic chains, there is a strong interplay between deformation and volcanism. In this research, we take the pulse of active tectonics in a volcanic arc setting by measuring natural seismicity. We installed a network of 34 seismometers over 200km along the volcanic arc in Southcentral Chile. Our results indicate active faulting in coherence with long-lived faults and the overall regional-scale stress regime. In fact, crustal regions in which faults are more active are spatially associated with inherited faults and with higher temperature gradient domains, as inferred from volcanic and geothermal activity. The maximum depth of seismicity is shallow (<12km) in the central part of the volcanic arc, whereas is much deeper (40km) toward the forearc and back-arc regions. This observation suggests that elevated geothermal gradients lead to a thinner brittle portion of crust, which is then mechanically easier to (re-)break up. Our results can be used for understanding the way by which faulting interacts with crustal fluids, which in turn may help improving geothermal exploration strategies and seismic hazard assessment. Furthermore, seismicity reveals detailed information on how ongoing deformation accommodates within complex fault systems characterized by different orientations and kinematics.