The bioavailability of coplanar 2,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB 118) and nonplanar 2,2',5,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (PCB52) from soils representing a range in organic carbon (OC), clay content and pH were investigated using an in vivo rat model and an in vitro physiologically based extraction test (PBET) to assess the role of soil and chemical properties-on bioavailabilty. Affinity to soil and persistence of PCBs have been shown to increase with increasing soil organic carbon (OC) content, PCB chlorination, and PCB coplanarity. In the in vivo tests for both PCB 118 and PCB52, the AUCs following iv injection were significantly higher than the AUCs for all soil groups, indicating that the soil matrix can reduce the absolute bioavailability of PCB 118 and PCB52. However, no significant differences were detected between soils of different properties. In the in vitro PBET, significant differences in the mobilization of PCB 118 and PCB52 were observed among soils, and PCBs had the least mobilization from the soil with the highest OC content consistent with hydrophobic partitioning theory. Also, significantly less PCB 118 was mobilized relative to PCB52 in the PBET assay, showing the potential impact of spatial orientation and chlorine content on bioavailability. No correlation between the in vitro PBET and the in vivo rat model was observed for the PCBs. Although the in vitro PBET and related assays may serve as an indicator of bioavailability, it is likely to underestimate what can be released from a soil in an in vivo assay. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.