Data collection, processing and visualization techniques has been going through a rapid evolution in recent years. Various applications utilize these new results; especially combined. Parallel to this, there are new developments within the Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) domain. Beside the main purpose of CPS - getting physical systems serve to work better, faster, more optimized -, the concept can improve the long-term usability of the physical equipment, as well. The principles of proactive maintenance are rooted from the need of short-term fault correction and long-term usability. The idea is to track system status not only for operations but for maintenance purpose as well. This allows for scheduling maintenance based on need-rather than based on operating time or "mileage". This paper presents the MANTIS framework for proactive maintenance. It utilizes CPS concepts for system modeling, furthermore, it proposes a combined tool set for data collection, processing and presentation. In order to cover the full value chain, the framework applies for all the three Tiers: the Edge, the Platform, and the Enterprise, as well.