This essay examines the lives of five great scientists who contributed enormously to mankind. Although their lives were vastly different, they all trod a filial common pathway in securing scientific breakthroughs. These were stubborn, egotistical, tenacious, work-oriented people who could not be deterred by obstacles of any sort. They exemplify the unbreakable spirit required to achieve greatness. A Surprising finding is the extent of hostility they all aroused from closed-minded people in society who were upset by the implications of their new ideas. It is hoped that this essay will help to stiffen the resolve of creative men and women who can expect to confront fervent opposition from others in society regardless of the value of their discoveries.
CALTECH, Div Humanities & Social Sci, Einstein Papers Project, Pasadena, CA 91125 USACALTECH, Div Humanities & Social Sci, Einstein Papers Project, Pasadena, CA 91125 USA