The teaching guide of a subject is the document which explicit the planning that is carried out by teachers in an interdisciplinary way. There are many possibilities to prepare a teaching guide but there are some essential conditions that an appropriate teaching guide must fulfill: specificity and functionality, in order to include objectives, topics and methodology to cover teachers and students necessities. In general, a teaching guide is composed of three aim sections: Firstly, the subject identification gives administrative information about the subject and its situation in the syllabus as well as basic information (classroom were lectures will be given) and teachers data. The essential section of a teaching guide is the teaching proposal which can include as many subject aspects as we want, taking into account that the aim of this section is to explain the way the subject will be taught. Some aspects important to be ranged in the teaching proposal are those such as competences, contents and compulsory activities, teaching methodology and organization of the subject as well as the assessment criteria. Moreover, this section can include the workload refers to student's work which is possible to be more adequately assessed with information about the professor's dedication to different teaching activities. At the end of the teaching guide it is advisable to include general and complementary bibliography and recommended websites used by teachers to prepare the lectures which should be also a great help for students. The teaching guide must not be a mere document to fill out; it is an excellent tool for teachers in order to study in depth which is the best methodology to explain a lesson taking into account the objectives and competences set. On the other hand, the teaching guide must be available for students to give them relevant information about the subject and therefore to help them to achieve all the aims and competences.