Continuous-time, age structured, host-parasitoid models exhibit three types of cyclic dynamics: Lotka-Volterra-like consumer-resource cycles, discrete generation cycles, and "delayed feedback cycles" that occur if the gain to the parasitoid population (defined by the number of new female parasitoid offspring produced per host attacked) increases with the age of the host attacked. The delayed feedback comes about in the following way: an increase in the instantaneous density of searching female parasitoids increases the mortality rate on younger hosts, which reduces the density of future older and more productive hosts, and hence reduces the future per head recruitment rate of searching female parasitoids. Delayed feedback cycles have previously been found in studies that assume a step-function for the gain function. Here, we formulate a general host-parasitoid model with an arbitrary gain function, and show that stable, delayed feedback cycles are a general phenomenon, occurring with a wide range of gain functions, and strongest when the gain is an accelerating function of host age. We show by examples that locally stable, delayed feedback cycles commonly occur with parameter values that also yield a single, locally stable equilibrium, and hence their occurrence depends on initial conditions. A simplified model reveals that the mechanism responsible for the delayed feedback cycles in our host-parasitoid models is similar to that producing cycles and initial-condition-dependent dynamics in a single species model with age-dependent cannibalism.