The aim of this project is teach all humans at any time anywhere by using HCI (Human Computer Interaction) principles and educational physiologies' concepts. All standards and principles of the HCI and Educational physiologies are used in the project. Learning goals of the paper is to give experiences to users about their courses and teaches. Project allows that secure system using and ergonomic field study in advanced and beginner types of interface. It can be applied to all courses e.g. C programming language, English Language for Child e.t.c. the idea comes from international field studies transforming face-to-face higher-education courses to Computer based teaching deliver. Central to the research value is the 'how' adult learning, instruction, organizational science and systems theories are integrated for the benefit of organization, student, professor to support efficient and effective e-teaching technology, informed by adult learning goal theory. Contemporary theoretical views of course design and delivery can be articulated within frameworks originating in educational psychology and other social science fields. E-Learning is term covering a wide set of applications and processes, such as Web-Base learning, Computer-Base Learning, virtual Classrooms and digital collaboration. This study aim is about " how to teach the adult learners using Technological Environment and E-Learning object principles". The project includes a system to manage and teach the student with Computer-Based Application (CBA). This paper includes how to create the e-learning system. The paper consists of learning principles (e.g. Motivation, Cognition, and Efficacy) for both designing and teaching. The application of systems methodologies to structure content and delivery (e.g. programmed instruction, test-banks, and examinations), applying instructional techniques (met cognitive learning-to-learn approaches), and by leveraging computer systems (relational database design, teaching with object oriented technology) for effective and efficient desktop application adult course design and delivery