Intuitive style is an individual differences experience consisting of aspects of cognitive, affective and somatic processes and is used to understand individual differences in business and education. However, the integrative functioning of these processes in the experience of intuitive style is not well understood. To this end, a psychoneurobiological framework was applied to delineate these processes in the experience of intuitive style. Models for positive and negative affects were examined separately via bootstrapped multiple serial mediation. The largest indirect effect was found in the negative affect model for observing the non-verbal cues of others in the intuitive style experience. Positive affect was also shown to have an indirect effect in the intuitive style experience. Findings for affects went beyond previous research highlighting their importance in intuitive style. The multiple ways in which aspects of the cognitive, affective and somatic processes functioned together in the experience of intuitive style were demonstrated. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare Syst, Dept Psychiat Mental Hlth, Los Angeles, CA USA
Univ Calif Los Angeles, David Geffen Sch Med, Dept Psychiat & Biobehav Sci, Los Angeles, CA 90095 USAUniv Kansas, Dept Appl Behav Sci, Lawrence, KS 66045 USA