We study the motion of the free dual-spin gyrostat spacecraft that consists of the platform with a triaxial ellipsoid of inertia and the rotor with a small asymmetry with respect to the axis of rotation. The system with perturbations caused by a small asymmetry of the rotor and the time-varying moments of inertia of the rotor is considered. The dimensionless equations of the system are written in Serret-Andoyer canonical variables. The system's phase space is described. It is shown that changes in the moments of inertia of the gyrostat leads to the deformation of the phase space. The internal torque control law is proposed that keeps the system at the center point in the phase space. The effectiveness of the control is shown through a numerical simulation. It's shown that the uncontrolled gyrostat can lose its axis orientation. Proposed internal torque keeps the initial angle between the axis of the gyrostat and the total angular momentum vector.