Hyperloop is a proposed high-speed surface mode of passenger and freight transport that has gained much visibility in recent years. Since its introduction in modern form in 2013, progress on Hyperloop has been thriving, with several companies involved in research and development of Hyperloop systems and subsystems. Some of them have planned testing tracks in Europe, anticipating what could be the start of commercial routes. Nevertheless, there are concerns that need to be addressed regarding the safety and serviceability performance, and further steps are necessary for the standardization and certification of the system. This study leverages the state of play of Hyperloop development, identifies issues and challenges from a European perspective, and provides policy insights towards testing and commercialization. To this end, it follows a two-tier approach that (i) addresses safety concerns related to the implementation of Hyperloop as a key enabler of the proposed technology and (ii) analyses Hyperloop technology developments using a triple-helix innovation approach, using a structured methodology based on consolidated data sources (i.e., the Scopus database of peer-reviewed literature and the Patstat patent database). The performed analyses highlight the significant amount of research and patent activity on several aspects of Hyperloop, while the mapping of activities carried out by industry in Europe, as well as from European Services, highlights the progress made towards the future Hyperloop implementation in Europe. Altogether, these findings provide factual information regarding the necessary research, policy, and industry steps taken so far that can help bring Hyperloop into the market. To the authors' knowledge this represents a very systematic and extensive literature review on Hyperloop's scientific and technological developments.