A parallel scheme is developed to solve fluid-solid interaction problems using the immersed boundary method (IBM). The fluid solver is based on a non-staggered pressure-based finite volume method, targeted to solving 3D incompressible low Reynolds number flows. Domain decomposition is employed to partition the global mesh into local meshes that are distributed over processors. A new efficient parallel marking algorithm is introduced to track the fluid-solid interface for IBM implementation. A second layer of ghost cells is included in the interpolation in order to produce consistent solutions between serial and parallel runs. Three linear solvers are implemented: (1) Algebraic Multi Grid (AMG), (2) BCGSTAB with AMG preconditioner, and (3) BCGSTAB with ILU0 preconditioner. The parallel performance and benchmarks of the linear solvers are investigated on different architectures by solving the 2D diffusion-convection problem and the 3D flow over sphere problem. Finally, the parallel implementation is validated by a micro-cantilever damping case. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.