OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to suggest appropriate indications and contraindications for full endoscopic surgery and to predict the prognosis for the incidence of complications by reviewing the literature on full endoscopic lumbar decompression for various spinal stenoses and systematically analyzing the contraindica-tions and complications of endoscopic surgery.METHODS: We searched the PubMed/MEDLINE database to identify articles on full endoscopic decompression for lumbar spinal stenosis. The levels of evidence in all studies were classified according to the method adopted by the North American Spine Society (NASS) 2005. Full endoscopic lumbar decompression was divided into interlaminar and transforaminal decompressions. We selected articles that contained preoperative contraindications and complications during and after surgery. We analyzed the evidence level and classified the prescribed contraindications and com-plications according to the literature. RESULTS: We identified 362 articles, of which 57 met our criteria, with evidence ranging from levels I to V. After reviewing the literature on full endoscopic lumbar decompression, pure back pain without neurogenic symp-toms and instability/deformities requiring stabilization were found to be contraindications. Also, in transforaminal decompression, central stenosis or complex foraminal stenoses were contraindications. Dysesthesia (most com-mon), untreated pain, dural tear, disc herniation, infection, incomplete decompression, and other complications have been reported as complications of transforaminal decompression.On the other hand, dural tear (most common), epidural hematoma, transient dysesthesia, untreated pain, motor weakness, and other complications have been reported in interlaminar decompression. CONCLUSIONS: Full endoscopic lumbar surgery, including transforaminal and interlaminar decompression, is a safe and effective surgical option for treating lumbar spinal stenosis; however, it is important to select the transforaminal or interlaminar approach according to the indication.