The quality of black and green commercial tea samples was accessed by physicochemical analysis, mineral analysis and sensory evaluation. Significant variations in physicochemical and organoleptic parameters were observed. The moisture, protein, fat, crude fiber, water extracts and ash contents of the commercial tea samples were found to be in the range of 2.46-7.47, 0.87-1.141, 0.94-2.15, 11.23-17.21, 32.34-53.61, and 3.29-5.86%, respectively while caffeine and catechin were found in the range of 2.34-4.33% and 0-7.44%, respectively. The highest percentage of moisture, protein, fat, and crude fiber contents were observed in green tea samples while highest percentage of ash and water extracts were observed in black tea samples. Calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and manganese were found to be in the range of 1.47-3.84 mg/l, 2.97-5.66 mg/l, 0.39-1.83 mg/l, 3.01-4.00 mg/l., 1.09-2.43 mg/l, respectively with maximum amounts found in green tea as compared to black tea.