The extraction of phosphoric acid with a solution of tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP) in toluene from its individual aqueous solutions in a concentration range of 0-11 M is investigated. The experiments are performed at room temperature (20 +/- 1 degrees C). The isotherms of extraction of phosphoric acid under conditions of equality of the volumes of the saturating aqueous phase and the receiving organic phase are constructed. The extraction isotherm is nonlinear, but to an acid concentration in the aqueous phase of similar to 8 M, it is close to linear, and at higher concentrations, the amount of extracted acid increases harshly. To establish the mechanism of acid extraction in the system phosphoric acid -0.1 M solution of TBP in toluene the method of combining a laboratory and computational experiment is proposed. The optimal parameters describing the extraction of phosphoric acid from natural aqueous solutions are determined. Calculations performed in two approximations were made. In the first approximation the condition of ideality of systems is accepted. In the second approximation the deviations of the properties of phosphoric acid solutions in aqueous solution are taken into account. For the two approximations the preferential extraction of phosphoric acid molecules in the form of H3PO4 center dot nTBP type solvates (where n = 1, 3) is shown. In the range of concentrations of phosphoric acid in the aqueous phase from 6 to 11 M, the values of equilibrium constants are estimated, which describe the processes and reactions occurring in the system: stepwise dissociation of acid, distribution of TBP, formation of solvates of phosphoric acid, distribution of the resulting solvates of acid, displacement of ionic equilibria in aqueous phase. Mathematically these processes are taken into account using the law of mass action and the equations of material balance. It is believed that the system has established an equilibrium corresponding to a given temperature and pressure. The calculated values of solvate concentrations are in satisfactory agreement with experimental data.